Bro Sport

"Bro Sport" is an online sportsbook serving the Vietnamese market.

I compiled some of my work here.

  • Category: Design
  • Role: Visual Design, UX Design
  • When: 2023
Back Office Design

Designed this widget as a way to highlight interesting matches and enable betting from the hero section.

Community Chat Design
Community Chat

This allows users to engage with fellow users and community managers in many ways. When there are live streams, users can chat with the host in real time. Via the chat stream, users can share their winning bets and have their ongoing bets available to be copied by other users where they may earn a percentage from every bet.

Back Office Design
Back Office Design

I designed the back office desktop application based on the specification document from the product officer. I made sure to make good use of space, simple typography and modern components. I produced two designs: one with a dominant left nav and the other with an inverted L design. I doubled down on the latter as it had more room to evolve when the application adds more functionality in the future.

Designing using Figma (grids)
Back Office Design
Back Office Designs
Back Offce Modal Designs
Back Office Designs
Back Office Designs
UX Flows

I'm used to prototypes to show how screens flow, but our devs prefer UX flows for them to properly take in the visual details and text descriptions of how features look and function.

UX Flows for Back Office Screens
UX Flows for Back Office Screens
Banner Design

I did some banners for various promos.

Live Casino Design

I designed some live casino mockups while going for an Asian luxury theme based on the template from the casino provider.

Back Office Designs
Back Office Designs
Back Office Designs
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